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Leonie Huie BEM

self-care MENTOR + meditation & breathwork teacher

Leonie Huie BEM self-care coach
Image of different self-care related words

1:1 mentoring for women who want reduce burn out and improve

Leonie Huie BEM self-care coach
Simple Good Morning Girl Got Goals Quote Mockup Instagram Post (8)_edited.jpg

Self-Care isn't Selfish!

Does this sound too familiar?

  • You often find it challenging to balance your personal and professional life due to feeling burnt out and overworked.

  • You are experiencing high levels of stress due to family commitments (being the care taker) and a lack of boundaries in your life.

  • You are constantly busy all causing you feelings overwhelm and frustration.

  • You are experiencing sleep deprivation which is making you feel exhausted and tired.

  • There are aspects of your physical or mental well-being that you feel are hindering your personal development and overall self-care!

6 Week Self-Care Journey

Are you ready to join me for a transformational 6 weeks of self-care?

This 1:1 programme will involve 3 sessions taking place online via Zoom once every two weeks.

During our time together we will focus on the B.O.O.T.S Method making well needed changes

in your life that will help you feel good about yourself from the inside out.

★ â€‹Reduce feelings of burnout

★ Relieve your body of overwhelm

★ Minimise overworking

★ Improve feelings of tiredness

★ Decrease levels of stress

What's on              

Leonie Huie BEM self-care coach

★ You’ll receive 3 bi-weekly mentoring sessions via Zoom providing support + guidance.

★ Effective self-care goal setting and planning with actionable strategies.

★ Simple self-care tools to help you improve your wellness holistically.


★ Support via text and WhatsApp.


★ Regular feedback, advice and accountability.


★ How to incorporate daily affirmations to help start each day positively


★ Digital downable self-care cheat sheets and guides to use on-the-go.

image of self-care routine


Leonie Huie BEM self-care coach

Reduced Stress Levels: Through self-care engagement you can help lower cortisol levels and promote relaxation, reducing overall stress levels in your body.


Prevention of Burnout: You will be able to naturally practice self-care which will help to prevent burnout by recharging and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


Improved Mental Health: Through the practice of mindfulness, meditation, or breathwork you can reduce tiredness, improve your mood, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and enhance overall mental well-being.


Greater Productivity and Creativity: By prioritising your self-care you can increase your focus, concentration, and creativity helping you feel less overworked and overwhelmed, and more productive both at work and in personal life.


Increased Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion: Through engaging in self-care activities this will help foster self-compassion and self-esteem, encouraging  you to prioritise your needs and treat yourself with love, kindness and compassion.


Sense of Empowerment: You’ll be able to confidently take care of your well-being through self-care empowering you to advocate for yourself, set boundaries, and make choices that align with your values and priorities.


Overall Quality of Life: Nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, will help you experience an overall improvement in your quality of life, enjoying greater happiness, fulfilment, and satisfaction.


Are you ready to start your journey?


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